New Program for Orange County Residents

Looking to Level Up your career?

Land a new, higher-paying job with free customized career search support, free training programs, and support overcoming obstacles to employment.

Pre-Qualify Now


Priority services available for veterans, justice-involved individuals, and those with disabilities.

Free Services

Job Placement

Connect to immediate open positions across in-demand fields including healthcare, public sector, IT & finance, trade and logistics and construction. We strive to place participants in jobs earning $15 per hour and higher.

Pre-Qualify Now

No-Cost Career Training

We’ll pay for you to get the skills training you need to accelerate or start a new career.

We have short and long-term training options available to suit a variety of needs.

Pre-Qualify Now

Career Prep

We’ve got you!

We’ll help with resumé creation, individual assessments, career exploration, interview skills, and step-by-step guidance until you’re hired.

Pre-Qualify Now

The program is funded by Orange County government using federal dollars.

This project is being supported, in whole or part, by federal award number HR 1319, Title IX, Subtitle M, Section 9901, awarded to Orange County, FL by the Department of Treasury.