October is Manufacturing Month

North Star Strategy:  Talent Solution Consultants
October is Manufacturing Month, where we recognize the value manufacturing brings to the local and state economy. Designated as one of the region’s high-growth industries, manufacturing is a high-skilled, high-wage industry. Certified skilled talent and degreed construction management programs are needed now with growth in the Central Florida area at an all-time high. It’s an industry critical to our economic recovery in the coming years with colleges and technical schools offering dozens of career paths. No wonder there’s a whole month dedicated to it.
Talent, technology, infrastructure and investment are four key factors that drive to build the next generation of skilled talent. Investments in training and job creation is critical for Florida and all of the United States to remain competitive in a global marketplace.
Manufacturing Month is the perfect time to celebrate and raise awareness of the economic benefits of all industries. Take a look at your organizations and industries to see what opportunities exist – or have yet to exist – for promoting this important career track.